Laptop Apple MacBook Air 13 “256GB 2020 Gold (MWTL2)

Customer Reviews about Laptop Apple MacBook Air 13 “256GB 2020 Gold (MWTL2) 108.

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Seller: Rozetka Color: Gray.

For Hochschwangere Sun-Leser teilen stolz ihre nackten Schwangerschaftsaufnahmen May 2020, due to quarantine, the lowest price on the market for this product, I decided to take it as an additional one to the main MacBook Pro 16. The cooling system nominally has a fan, its efficiency is minimal, since there are NO heat pipes, and the heatsink is not on the fan, but on the processor … This is an artificial deterioration so that the non-dyboh air does not turn out to be more powerful than the firmware, thus the company segments its products.

The simplest conclusion here is that it makes no sense to take more expensive versions with i5 and i7, because these processors will overheat and throttle in all tasks in which they could be a gain. In benchmarks, you will not see this, because the tests, in contrast to real use, are short in time. For reference, the thermal package of the local i5 is one and a half times larger than the thermal package i3 in the base and two and a half times more at the peak. Therefore, the battery life on i3 will be longer (see the law of conservation of energy: D, the less losses for heat, the more energy for useful work).

With all this, we must pay tribute that the i3 laptop works great in everyday tasks and office applications.

Seller: Rozetka Color: Gray.

Seller: Rozetka Color: Gray.

Dear Rosette! The product was paid online, received in a new mail. Everything is fast. But.

You do not have a single document confirming that the goods were purchased from you. What about the warranty card, check, or what else should be there? Apple laptop recognized and featured 1 year warranty.

But what will I present with the documents if there is a need to contact the service?

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Seller: Rozetka Color: Gray.

The perfect laptop Very lightweight and comfortable. In general, an irreplaceable thing on trips Fits even in a bag My first Mac and I’m really happy with this purchase.