Security challenges of Internet of Underwater Things: A systematic literature review.

Sana Belguith, School of Science, Engineering and Environment, University of Salford, Crescent, Salford M5 4WT, UK.

Faculty of Science and Engineering, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK.

School of Science, Engineering and Environment, The University of Salford, Manchester, UK.

School of Science, Engineering and Environment, The University of Salford, Manchester, UK.

School of Science, Engineering and Environment, The University of Salford, Manchester, UK.


Sana Belguith, School of Science, Engineering and Environment, University of Salford, Crescent, Salford M5 4WT, UK.

Faculty of Science and Engineering, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK.


Water% 20covers% 20approximately% 2071 %% 20of% 20the% 20earth% 20surface,% 20yet% 20much% 20of% 20the% 20underwater% 20world% 20remains% 20unexplored% 20due% 20to% 20technology% 20limitations.% 20Internet% 20of% 20Underwater% % 20 (IoUT)% 20is% 20a% 20network% 20of% 20underwater% 20objects% 20that% 20enables% 20monitoring% 20subsea% 20environment% 20remotely.% 20Underwater% 20Wireless% 20Sensor% 20Network% 20 (UWSN)% 20is% 20the% 20main 20enabling% 20technology% 20for% 20IoUT.% 20UWSNs% 20are% 20characterised% 20by% 20the% 20limitations% 20of% 20the% 20underlying% 20acoustic% 20communication% 20medium,% 20high% 20energy% 20consumption,% 20lack% reviews – 20of% 20hardware% 20resources% 20to % 20implement% 20computationally% 20intensive% 20tasks% 20and% 20dynamic% 20network% 20topology% 20due% 20to% 20node% 20mobility.% 20These% 20characteristics% 20render% 20UNWSNs% 20vulnerable% 20to% 20different% 20% 20attacks,% 20Wormhole 20Sybil,% 20flooding,% 20jamming,% 20spoofing,% 20and% 20Denial% 20of% 20Service% 20attacks.% 20This% 20article% 20reviews% 20peer-reviewed% 20literature% 20tha t% 20addresses% 20the% 20security% 20challenges% 20and% 20attacks% 20on% 20UWSNs% 20as% 20well% 20as% 20possible% 20mitigative% 20solutions.% 20Findings% 20show% 20that% 20the% 20biggest% 20contributing% 20factors% 20to% 20sereat % 20in% 20UWSNs% 20are% 20the% 20limited% 20energy% 20supply,% 20the% 20limited% 20communication% 20medium% 20and% 20the% 20harsh% 20underwater% 20communication% 20conditions.% 20Researchers% 20in% 20this% 20field% 20agree% 20that% 20 % 20security% 20measures% 20of% 20terrestrial% 20wireless% 20sensor% 20networks% 20are% 20not% 20directly% 20applicable% 20to% 20UWSNs% 20due% 20to% 20the% 20unique% 20nature% 20of% 20the% 20underwater% 20environment% 20wheremanagement% 20 % 20becomes% 20a% 20significant% 20challenge.% 20This% 20article% 20also% 20outlines% 20future% 20research% 20directions% 20on% 20security% 20and% 20privacy% 20challenges% 20of% 20IoUT% 20and% 20UWSN.